The 3 Layers of Confidence You Need to Master


Over my 13+ years of working on myself to actively increase my confidence, I’ve discovered that there are three things in particular that you need to work on in order to feel confident in yourself every single day.

This comes from The 90/90 Mindset Concept, which is a concept I created to make building self confidence as simple and achievable as possible.

Whilst each of these layers alone will certainly improve your confidence, you really need to be working on all three to make the biggest positive impact on your levels of confidence and on your self esteem.

In this blog post, I’m revealing the three layers of confidence you need to master to become 90% confident, 90% of the time.

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The three layers of confidence you need to master are:

  • Think Confident

  • Act confident

  • Feel confident

When you work on the Think Confident layer, you start to change your inner narrative. You rewrite limiting beliefs, become more aware of your thoughts, shift into positive thinking much more quickly and reprogram your mind so confident thoughts become your default.

What you think you believe and what you believe becomes your reality. So by working to transform your mindset, you're building strong, empowering beliefs and telling yourself, I can get everything I deserve.

These new thoughts and beliefs will contribute to you being able to take action before you feel ready and make the necessary moves to get you to where you want to be.

Inside The Confidence Course, you'll find all of my favourite Think Confident exercises within Module 2. These are the techniques that help me go from being too afraid to leave the house, to backpacking solo around the world and starting multiple online businesses.

Watch the video below or scroll down to read the transcript instead.

An example of a Think Confident Exercise

An exercise that's always been really popular with my clients is writing an empowerment list.

This is just one style of journaling that you can use to begin to boost your self confidence. You'll find an example of this exercise alongside six other journaling styles within my free resource, The Confidence Kit.

The second layer of confidence you need to master

When it comes to the Act Confident layer, you look at facing your fears head on, changing the way you hold yourself, taking brave action even when you're scared, pushing yourself out of your comfort zone regularly and transforming your outer persona to match your confident inner persona.

The Act Confident layer is all about the actions you take and the way that you take those actions. It's so common for people to wait until they feel ready before taking the scary action that'll get them what they deserve, but the truth is confidence comes from taking action.

Instead of waiting to feel confident enough to be brave, when you work on the Act Confident layer, you'll find it easier to do the brave things, despite feeling afraid. 

Something to be mindful of when working on this layer of confidence is what I call the (Dis)Comfort Zone Come Down. I've got an entire video dedicated to this which you can find here. This will be super helpful for you if you’re starting to push yourself out of your comfort zone.

The Third Layer of Confidence You Need to Master

The third layer is the Feel Confident layer. Focusing on the Feel Confident layer looks like conjuring up feelings of confidence on a daily basis, shifting yourself into a confident energy any time you need to, prioritising your self care because you know that feeling burnt out creates a lack of confidence within you. It’s about becoming aware of the way that you treat your body and creating a deeper connection to your body and trusting what it needs.

Now whilst there will be mornings where you wake up with feelings of confidence flooding through your body, for the most part it takes practice for you to actively work to feel confident in yourself every day. When you learn how to conjure up these feelings of confidence, you'll be able to shift back into confidence throughout the day quickly and easily.

Inside The Confidence Kit, you'll find a five minute guided visualisation that you can listen to every morning to help you conjure up feelings of confidence. 

And inside The Confidence Course, you’ll find a module dedicated to each of these 3 layers plus three other modules that’ll help you create the life you desire.

For now, I would encourage you to consciously think about working on each of these three layers on a daily basis, so that you can begin to build steady, long lasting self confidence that will get you everything that you deserve in life.

And if you haven't seen it yet, head on over to the truth about confidence next, as the story I'm telling you might just change your whole view on how easy it is for you to achieve your goals.

If this was helpful, I’d love to hear from you in the comments. If you've got any questions about confidence, drop them below and I'll see you in the next one.