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Do you worry about what other people think of you?

Do you spend a lot of time thinking that you're being judged or criticised?

Do you feel like you can't really be yourself or show people the real you because you're worried how they will receive what you're putting out to them?

Well let me tell you this, this advice changed my life. 

In this episode of The Confidence Show, we're diving deep into a transformative piece of advice that helped me to care less about what people think of me. If you've ever found yourself trapped in the cycle of worrying about others' judgments, this episode is for you.

Here's what we cover:

1. Overcoming Constant Worry: I share my personal journey of being consumed by thoughts of what others thought of me, from school days to adulthood, and how it impacted my self-expression.

2. Life-Changing Perspective: Discover the liberating phrase that reshaped my mindset. Every time I find myself falling back into patterns of caring what people think, I remind myself of this phrase.

3. Individual Perceptions: I explore how individuals form opinions based on their distinct backgrounds, cultures, and values. No matter how hard we try, we cannot control how others perceive us.

4. Embracing Authenticity: The episode encourages you to shed the mask, stop people-pleasing, and boldly embrace your authentic selves. The key is to attract those who appreciate and respect you for who you truly are.

5. Quality Relationships: I emphasise the importance of surrounding yourself with people who genuinely like, love, accept, and respect you.

It's time to stop caring what people think and start living for yourself!

Listen to The Date with Confidence Podcast.

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Free Resources: The Confidence Kit / Build Body Confidence

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Rebecca HawkesComment