The first thing you should know about me is that I’m funny.
Not like, I’m good at telling a joke funny. No, I’m just funny.
When we were younger, everyone thought my younger brother was the funny one and I was the drama queen but honestly, I’d say I’m on par with his comedic levels now.
If this is the first time we’re meeting, hi!
I’m Rebecca professionally, but most people I know call me Becka or Becs so I guess it’s up to you what you’d rather say.
I could waffle on about myself for hours but I’ll try and keep this fairly concise whilst giving you a little insight into who I am.
As we get to know each other, you’ll realise I don’t like to be too serious when it comes to business.
I’m the girl who’ll be dressed casually during our calls and chatting to you as if we’ve known each other for years.
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with formal styles of coaching but I’d just much rather be myself than worry about how many times I’m using the word ‘like’ or dropping the occasional f bomb.
Before I started my first business as a social media manager, I’d had 17 different jobs in a variety of different industries. Considering this was over the course of 8 years, this would normally be quite alarming but what you don’t know (yet) is that some of these jobs overlapped and half of them were whilst I was travelling.
I was 21 the first time I took a solo trip. I landed in Bangkok after a 10 hour flight and spent the night crying in my bed in the ladies only dorm room.
After a week of adjusting to the humidity and culture, I fell in love with Thailand and ended up spending a year living on the island of Koh Tao where I worked at two bars and helped to run the tri-weekly pub crawl.
When island fever set in, I moved on to Sydney, Australia. However much I love the laid back life that comes with living on an island - the bare feet, no makeup, days spent in a bikini - I’m a city girl at heart.
I’ve since lived and worked in Melbourne and Cairns and even spent 3 months living with 4 people in a caravan made for 2, on a farm, to gain my second year visa. Picking oranges and cutting vines was not a highlight of my life.
I moved to the island of Utila, Honduras in February 2017. Knowing that I didn’t want to go back to bartending, I used this opportunity to set up my own business as a ‘Freelance social media manager & consultant’.
In June 2018, I decided to follow my intuition and pursue a career that I’d dreamed of since I was a teen with dial up internet. I was going to become a coach.
My first step was to hire my second coach because although I’d set up a business as a social media manager, I was unsure how to setup my coaching business.
Two months later, I launched my business as a Confidence Coach and I now also specialise in helping entrepreneurs with their pricing too.
I can’t tell you how much I LOVE what I do.
Below are some of the ways I can support you with increasing your confidence, raising your rates and becoming more visible online without having to spend every day on social media.
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