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What better time to talk about feeling abundant than January, when we are typically feeling the least abundant....

In this episode of The Confidence Show podcast, we're exploring the topic of feeling abundant, especially during the financially challenging month of January. Reflecting on my personal experiences of being broke while living abroad, I'm sharing valuable insights on shifting mindset and fostering feelings of abundance, regardless of the external circumstances.

Here's what we cover:

1. January Blues and Financial Strain: Exploring the common feelings of post-holiday blues and financial strain in January and how you can shift your internal world despite what your external world looks like.

2. The Power of Feeling Abundant: Discussing the positive impact of cultivating a mindset of abundance, even in challenging times.

3. Living Abroad and Financial Struggles: I recount my own experience of living in Cairns, Australia, being financially unstable, working odd jobs to make ends meet and how I didn't let these financially difficult times impact my feelings of abundance.

4. Three Layers of Confidence: Breaking down the three layers of confidence and using them to help you feel more abundant—changing the inner narrative, pampering the body, and choosing to create feelings of abundance.

5. Practical Tips for Feeling Abundant: I share the exact things I do whenever I want to feel more abundant (especially when my reality is far from what I desire) including the things I tell myself, how trips to The Body Shop help and why I focus on gratitude for existing solutions.

6. Creating Feelings of Abundance: Encouraging practices like reflecting on positive experiences, spending time in nature, and appreciating the small things to create a sense of abundance.

We emphasise the importance of choosing positivity, practicing gratitude, and embracing feelings of abundance, illustrating how these practices can lead to a more fulfilling and joyful life. Remember: this is simply about choosing to feel good (but not in a toxic positivity way....).

Resources Mentioned:

Get your free money mindset resources here*

Read my Money Mentality Makeover review

Create unwavering self confidence with The Confidence Course

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Free Resources: The Confidence Kit / Build Body Confidence

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