One of the most common questions I get asked is “How often should I increase my prices?” or “When is the right time to increase my prices?”.

I’m a firm believer in doing what’s right for you and your business. I don’t believe in there being a ‘one size fits all’ perfect answer to these questions however there are a few key signs that your current prices are no longer serving you.

Want to know what they are so you can decide whether you’re ready to increase your prices?

Tune into this episode of The Price with Confidence Podcast where we’re discussing why you’re reluctant to raise your rates, when the right time to increase your prices is and whether or not you should change your prices for your current clients.

Push play below or listen via your favourite podcast player: Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | Spotify | Audible | Amazon Music | Stitcher

W E  C O V E R:

[00:51]  Why pricing is so uncomfortable

[01:57]  You can change your prices whenever you want

[03:44]  6 Signs it’s time to raise your rates

[09:25]  Should you increase your prices with your current clients?

[12:53]  When NOT to increase your prices

[15:05]  One of my fave client success stories

Q U O T E S:

“Your fears are there to stop you embarrassing yourself,  stop you making a fool of yourself, to stop you doing something that might hurt you.”

“You have to make the decision to push through those fears, to push out of your comfort zone and to take action, even though you're scared.”

“You don't have to make a drastic change where you double the price or you start charging three times more than you were, you can just increase a little bit.”

“I like to make sure that my clients feel valued and feel appreciated but I also like to make sure that I don't undervalue myself as well.”


Rebecca HawkesComment