I started out charging ridiculously low prices as a social media manager.

(Honestly, you won’t believe the amount I charged my first client!)

When I realised how my prices were leading to overwhelm, anxiety and were definitely not giving me the life I’d dreamed of, I knew I needed to increase them. 

Over the course of 6 weeks, I increased my confidence which enabled me to increase my prices and recognise that I was worthy of being paid well for my services. 

When you learn how to price with confidence as a social media manager, everything changes. In this episode of The Price with Confidence Podcast I’ll be showing you just how much of an impact what you charge for your services can have on you, your life and your business.

Push play below or listen via your favourite podcast player: Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | Spotify | Audible | Amazon Music | Stitcher

W E  C O V E R:

[00:59]  How much I charged my first client as a social media manager

[03:29]  Why I realised charging low wasn’t a sustainable way to run a business

[05:54]  What I don’t want for you + your business

[06:39]  What it actually means to ‘price with confidence’

[10:11]  What your life looks like when you’re not pricing with confidence

[11:40]  How your life can change if you commit to pricing with confidence

[12:27]  Rejection will still happen when you’re confident in what you charge

[14:28]  How charging more gave me more freedom

Q U O T E S:

“I was very much stuck in this mindset of I need to hustle, I need to be busy, that's what successful entrepreneurs do.”

“It was this overwhelming headache that kept me awake at night and turned me into this wreck of a person.”

“It's not about you earning £5k or £10k or £20k+ months, unless you want it to be.”

“There's no one size fits all. There's no ‘this is the magic price’.”

“It doesn't mean that you're not good enough, it doesn't mean that your services aren't good enough, it doesn't mean that someone's better than you or that you're a bad person, it just means their budget doesn't fit you. And that’s okay.”

“Because I'd given them the opportunity to pay me more, they started paying me more because they were able to.”


Rebecca HawkesComment