At some stage or another, we all have a desire to achieve more success in our lives or business.

We may feel like we’ve become stagnant in our career or like our businesses have plateaued and we feel the burning desire to shake things up.

But how can we achieve more success in a simple way?

In the first ever episode of The Confidence Show podcast, I share how to achieve your goals in 4 simple steps, using my 4 Principles of Success Framework.

It’s the framework I use with myself and with my clients. No matter how we work together – be it a 1:1 call, a VIP day or over the course of 6 months, we follow this process because it’s powerful, simple and proven to help you succeed. 

Listen to the full episode here or scroll down for a basic overview:

The 4 Principles of Success are:

  • Clarity

  • Strategy

  • Confidence

  • Accountability

Without clarity, you can't create a strategy. Without a strategy, you don't feel confident in what you're doing to achieve your goals. 

Without confidence, you can make excuses and not hold yourself accountable. And without accountability, you can't stay committed.

This can result in you not actually achieving what you wanted to.


If you don't know what you want, you're going to end up procrastinating, feeling really stuck and you won't achieve anything. Not achieving anything leads to feeling like an imposter or a failure. These negative feelings hold us back even more.

One of the biggest problems myself and my clients have had with clarity is not knowing what they actually wanted and not understanding how to figure out what they want.

Talking things through with a coach can help you uncover desires you didn’t even know were there. Once you know what you want, the coach can help you create an action plan of tasks that’ll bring those dreams to life.

There are also exercises you can do by yourself to help you find clarity. Journaling is my go to exercise for uncovering what you truly desire and finding clarity around what you want.

To help you gain clarity around what you want, switch off any distractions, set aside some time for yourself, get your journal and answer these questions:

  • What life do I want to create for myself?

  • How do I want to feel every day?

  • What impact do I want to have?

  • How much do I need to earn to support myself?

  • What do I want to be known for?

If you don't have clarity on what you want to achieve, you can't expect to achieve anything at all. 


Once you know what you want, you can create a strategy to help you work towards achieving it.

Your strategy is what you’re going to do to make what you want happen. 

Once you have your goals (clarity), you can break them down into actionable steps, or individual tasks.

So let’s say your goal is to sign five new clients in a quarter. An example of your strategy could be:

  • Showing up on Instagram consistently

  • Promoting your services on Instagram Stories

  • Reaching out to previous clients

  • Writing a blog post that’s packed full of value and guides people to your offer

  • Networking in local groups or in Facebook groups

These are your actionable steps which make up your strategy.  You want to make it as simple as possible so that it feels easy and exciting to implement. 

Once you’ve created the initial strategy, take a step back and ask yourself if it feels expansive or if it feels overwhelming. If it’s the latter, simplify it. 

And remember, Rome wasn't built in a day. You don’t need to attack every task in the next 3 days.


You can have the vision and have the plan but if you lack confidence in your ability to achieve the goals you’ve set, you may struggle to implement anything. You may lack motivation and inspiration which can lead to procrastination. 

Your thoughts become your beliefs and your beliefs become your reality. When you tell yourself you can’t achieve something, you won’t take the necessary – and often uncomfortable – actions to make it happen. Therefore this thought becomes a self fulfilling prophecy and reinforces this limiting belief that’s formed. 

Which is why you need to work on feeling confident everyday. If you want to create confidence, you have to make time for it. You can create confidence in under 20 minutes per day.

Prioritise your mindset work and you’ll find that you have more energy, more motivation and you’ll be far more productive. 

Check out The Confidence Course here.



It’s important you hold yourself accountable. Check in regularly with yourself and with your goals to ensure that you're on the right path. If you are, amazing. Celebrate yourself and every tiny win. 

If you’re not moving forward or things aren’t going to plan, ask yourself why. Look at what isn't working and seek the lessons from it. When you can pinpoint what isn’t working or what doesn’t feel good, you can choose to do something about it. 

Do this with curiosity and not judgement or criticism. If I haven't achieved something, I look for the lesson and practice gratitude for the lesson. 

If you struggle to keep yourself accountable, you can:

  • Find an accountability buddy

  • Ask a friend or family member to check in with you 

  • Join a mastermind – free or paid

  • Hire a coach (like me!)

To recap, the 4 things you need to achieve your goals are:

  • Clarity: Work out what you want

  • Strategy: Create a plan to take you to your goals

  • Confidence: Work on your mindset everyday

  • Accountability: Hold yourself accountable to your goals

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