The Truth About Confidence: You Only Need 90 Seconds


This advice is going to change your life.

And I know for a fact it's going to change your life because when I told my friend and former coaching client this exact thing, she saw results from it within minutes.

So, get ready as we explore the truth about confidence and how you only need 90 seconds of it to transform your life.

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The Truth About Confidence: You Only Need 90 Seconds

I created a concept called The 90/90 Mindset Concept (which you can learn more about here) and one of the principles of this concept  is the idea that you only need 90 seconds of confidence to transform your life to, or to make a decision that can transform your life.

In 90 seconds, you can take an action that has the potential to lead your life into a completely different direction that will essentially get you to where you want to be.

(Psst: You can download The Confidence Kit for free here)

Watch the video below or scroll down to read the transcript instead.

An example of the 90 seconds of confidence principle in action

Let me give you an example: I went to a cafe to co-work with a past client — who’s since become a good friend — and whilst we were catching up, she was talking to me about the fact that she'd been in her part time role for a couple of years and since starting the role, her duties had changed.

She'd been taking on a lot more responsibility, she'd been doing a lot more work and was no longer just doing what was suggested of the role. Despite taking on extra work, she was anxious to ask for a pay rise due to the current climate.

At that moment, I shared with her The 90/90 Mindset Concept and I shared that one of the core principles was you only need 90 seconds of confidence to actually take an action that has the potential to change your life.

I explained how she only needed to be confident for 90 seconds to craft a message to her boss to ask to discuss her wages.

As we were having this conversation, she decided to message her boss there and then. She took a few deep breaths and chose to be brave.

What happened next was incredible….

90 seconds of confidence lead to this:

After sending the message, my friend began to freak out a little. Concerns around what her boss would say flooded her brain. During this time we talked about the fact that you don't need to worry about being confident after you've done the scary thing, you just need that 90 seconds of confidence and courage to do the scary thing.

You can freak out as much as you like afterwards. You just need to take that initial step. And can you guess what happened whilst we were having our little chat?

She got a response from her boss suggesting a meeting the following week so they could discuss the raise in more detail.

Did she get the pay rise? I don't know. That's not what's important. What's important is she gave herself the opportunity to increase her wages.

She made that a possibility for herself by deciding to be confident for those 90 seconds and deciding to do the brave thing.

Imagine how your life could change

Can you imagine if, once a week, even once a month, you grabbed hold of confidence for 90 seconds? If you used that 90 seconds of confidence to do one thing, that, yes, scares you, but also pushes you forward in creating the life that you want to create for yourself?

Think of all the things you could do in 90 seconds. You could:

  • ask your boss for a pay rise

  • apply for a promotion

  • ask someone out on a date

  • sign yourself up for a dating profile

  • book a flight to somewhere new that you've always wanted to go

  • quit your job or apply for a new job

  • fire a client

  • leave a toxic relationship

  • put an offer on your dream house

  • join a gym

  • go up to that fit person in the cafe and ask for their number.

And it doesn't even have to be big things. You could do the little things like wear the dress that you always wanted to wear or put on some red lipstick because it's a Monday and you want to feel more confident.

You could speak up for yourself. You could send someone a message that you haven't spoke to for a while. You could set boundaries. There’s so much you can do.

I'm not talking about doing the whole thing in 90 seconds. I'm talking about doing that first initial brave action. I'm talking about being courageous enough to ask for what you want. I'm talking about being confident enough to set better standards for your life. I'm talking about going after the things that you really want to do, that right now you feel a bit nervous about doing.

Don't think about it as in, I have to be 100% confident, or I have to wait until I feel like this about myself before I do the scary thing. No, you don't. You just need 90 seconds to make a decision that has the potential to change your life in a really positive way. So stop telling yourself you need to be ready, or you need to wait until you've achieved a certain point in your life. You don't need to do any of that.

You just need to grab hold of 90 seconds of confidence, make that decision, take that action, do that scary thing, and think about where your life could be in 12 months time. If you did one thing a week for the next year, if you just did one thing a month for the next year, can you imagine?

Write a list of all the things now that you have perhaps been putting off, that you've been nervous about doing, that you could do in the next year that will just take you 90 seconds. And if you want help feeling confident fast, you’ll find 9 x 90 second instant confidence boosters inside The Confidence Kit which you can download for free below.