We all make mistakes. 

It’s a natural part of life. 

And thankfully, those mistakes teach us valuable lessons that improve not only our lives but can also improve other people’s lives when we share our wisdom.

Because you only know what you know, right?

That’s why, in this episode of The Price with Confidence Podcast, I’m sharing 5 common mistakes you could be making when it comes to what to charge for your social media management services and what to do when you realise you’ve made a mistake (hint: it isn't to beat yourself up!).

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W E  C O V E R:

[00:45]  Why it’s good to make mistakes

[02:41]  Why Facebook groups is the worst place to ask for help with how much to charge

[07:48]  There’s ‘no one size fits all’ perfect price

[09:24]  The most common pricing mistake everyone makes

[11:28]  Why you need to put your needs first

[13:03]  The mistake that makes me feel the saddest

[14:39]  What not to do when you realise you’ve made a mistake

Q U O T E S:

“Your business mistakes are really great for teaching you exactly what you don't want, and where you don't want to be.”

“There's no such thing as a silly question and until you ask for help, you're not going to know the answer.”

“The truth is your price should be completely unique to you.”

“Your prices need to support the goals that you have and the life that you’re working towards creating so it doesn't matter what anybody else is charging.”

“A reminder that it's not selfish to put yourself first in any way, shape or form.”

“I also know that you're good at what you do, because you care. And you deserve to be paid for that.”


Rebecca HawkesComment