36 Powerful Affirmations to Reduce Anxiety and Relax


Affirmations are a powerful tool to help reprogram your mind. 

Whilst it’s good to repeat affirmations continually to help you build confidence and self esteem, repeating affirmations is a great technique to help ease feelings of anxiety in the moment. 

By focusing on a specific mantra, you stop focusing on the anxious feelings. 

Repeating affirmations for anxiety can feel tricky to begin with as you’re saying something the mind doesn’t believe to be true. It can feel like you’re lying to yourself. In this case you can add the phrase ‘I choose to believe’ at the front of the affirmation. 

For example: I choose to believe anxiety doesn’t control me or I choose to believe my mind is calm and clear. 

There are many techniques to reduce anxiety and feel calm, including this breathing technique. I encourage you to add one (or all!) of these affirmations for anxiety to your anxiety toolkit.

Not heard of affirmations? Read this: What are affirmations and why you should use them

Here are 36 powerful affirmations to reduce anxiety and help you relax:

1. I am in charge of my life

2. I am strong and healthy in body and mind

3. I am always in control

4. I choose to feel calm in this moment

5. I always choose faith over fear

6. I love myself and know this will pass

7. I trust that I'm capable of handling any situation

8. Anxiety doesn't define who I am

9. I take small steps everyday to manage my anxiety

10. Anxiety doesn't control me

11. I work on my mindset daily to reduce the symptoms of anxiety

12. I choose to feel at peace

13. My mind is calm and clear

14. The more time I spend on self care, the less anxious I feel

15. I can be successful and manage anxiety at the same time

16. My friends and family are proud of the way I manage with anxiety

17. I'm proud of how far I've come

18. I am always able to calm myself down when my anxiety is high

19. I trust myself in anxious moments

20. Anxiety is only temporary, I choose to believe it won't last forever

21. I choose to focus on feeling good

22. I am in control of my thoughts and feelings

23. I choose to look for the positive thoughts

24. I focus on doing the things that make me feel good, without guilt

25. I am the boss of my thoughts

26. I am calm, I am relaxed, I am at peace

27. I am feeling calmer by the second

28. I can do this

29. I take each moment as it comes, knowing things are always getting better for me

30. I feel more and more relaxed as each second passes

31. It's easy for me to focus on happy, positive thoughts

32. I can always find the good feelings and tune into those

33. I am in charge and right now, I choose to feel good

34. It's easy for me to feel calm and relaxed

35. When I think of the word calm, I instantly feel relaxed

36. I always know how to manage the feelings of anxiety

What was your favourite affirmation to reduce anxiety? Share with me in the comments. If you’ve got one you’d like me to add to the list, share it below and I’ll update the blog post.