Affirmations are a powerful tool to help increase confidence and self esteem.

There are plenty of affirmations you can use depending on your goal but one of the most effective ways to use affirmations is by creating your own based on a new belief you want to form or by rewriting the limiting beliefs that are holding you back.

If you’re new to affirmations and want to understand what they are and why you should use them, read this post.

How to create affirmations

First of all, have a think about a new belief you would like to create for yourself. 

It could be that you want more confidence in yourself or you want to make more money in your business. Be specific about what you want to achieve and start thinking of sentences that you feel connected to.

Want a new affirmation sent to you every day for 30 days so you can increase confidence fast? Check out The Confidence Shift.

Here are a few examples: 

My confidence in myself is growing everyday

Money comes to me easily and effortlessly

I know I’m on the right path towards the success I dream of

I am worthy of being loved for who I am

These can simply be based on what you would like to believe about yourself.

How to create affirmations from limiting beliefs

Taking things up a level, we can start to rewrite any limiting beliefs you already have. 

A limiting belief is simply a belief that isn’t serving you or helping you move forward. For example: I’m not a confident person.


First of all, we need to uncover the negative belief that you want to change. Perhaps you think it’s hard to make money online or you believe that you’re not worthy of being loved.

When you have the limiting belief, you need to rewrite it into a new, empowering belief that then becomes an affirmation. 

Let’s look at a couple of examples from some of the limiting beliefs I’ve had over the past few years and how I’ve rewritten them into empowering beliefs/affirmations:

It’s hard for me to make money >> Making money is easy, effortless and comes naturally to me

I don’t know what I’m doing (and therefore can’t be successful) >> I always know the right thing to do

I’m not good enough >> I am always enough just because I am me

Do you see how these can be rewritten to the complete opposite? 

Once you have your new affirmation, it’s important to start repeating it daily to reprogram your mind and change your beliefs.

To access 365 individual affirmations to help you increase your confidence,  become a paid member of my Create Confidence: with Rebecca Hawkes community for less than the price of a cocktail here.

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