Being stuck is the worst, isn't it?

Whilst it definitely is a mental thing, it can feel physically draining.

You don't wanna get out of bed.

You don't wanna switch off the Netflix.

You don't wanna open up your to do list because OMG I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M DOING.

But there comes a point where you have to make a choice: get yourself out of the mud or sink into the quicksand and disappear forever.

However appealing the quicksand may feel right now, I urge you to go for option A.

There are 3 main reasons we feel stuck: Self doubt, overwhelm + fear.

You could have one main culprit or a combo of all 3. No judgement.

So to combat one or all three of these pesky little obstacles, we're first gonna take a step back.

Yep, you heard me.

Switch off your laptop, silence your socials and spend the next couple of hours doing something you love.



Going for a run.

Having a bath.

Reading a book (NOT biz related).

Doing a puzzle (my fave thing).

Colouring in.

Baking brownies.

Whatever, it doesn't matter.

Forget the shoulds, ignore the voice telling you you're a shitty entrepreneur for not hustling and just enjoy yourself.

Couple of hours isn't long enough?

Cool, take the day boo. 

The more you try to force yourself out of the stickiness, the harder it's going to be.

You know when you're trying to remember someone's name and it goes completely out of your head? You try for ages (minutes) to think of their name and can't for the life of you remember it. Then you're soaking in the bath, listening to a meditation and BAM - Ohhhhh it was Susan!

When you're not focusing, it'll come.When you stop trying to force productivity, you'll feel inspired again.

Ok, now you've had your break, it's time to do some daydreaming.

Go back to your vision (if you haven't created yours, click here to download your free BIG Vision workbook) and start to get that clarity around what it is you want.

What are you doing this for?

What are you creating for yourself?

What's your WHY?

Who are you helping?

Get excited about your dreams, your vision. Remind yourself of why you started your biz in the first place and visualise yourself as already having that dream.

When you know what you want, look at your strategy again (I'm assuming/hoping you have some kind of strategy in place for the quarter…….)

Is there anything you're not excited about?

Is there anything that no longer feels aligned?

Is there anything you feel overwhelmed by?

Is there something missing that you really want to do right now?

Get rid of anything that isn't aligned anymore. We change, our ideas change, our vision changes - that's ok ya know.

Now look at your strategy again.

How can you make it more simple?

When I was planning my podcast launch, I wrote down tasks like creating a landing page, mailing list, email sequence, opt in <<< I wasn't excited about this shit. I have enough of these. So I dropped this. Do the same.

Ok, where we at?

Batteries are recharged.

Know what you want.

Strategy's simplified.

Right, now we need to break it down.

Write down all the actions you need to take to implement your strategy.  Make them as simple as possible.

Got em?

Cool. Now open your calendar and choose 1-3 actions for each day of this week.

Don’t worry about next week, just this week.

It’s Friday you say? Well that’s just one thing you need to do this week then.

Every Monday morning, go back to these actions and map them out across your week, giving yourself NO MORE THAN THREE.

Again, no more than three.

For a full breakdown on how I plan my week to reduce overwhelm, listen to my podcast here.

Now let’s assess the damage. Be honest with me, are you feeling a bit less stuck?

If you choose to follow one of these steps, make it the first one. This is by far the most important, most effective step.

Being stuck sucks, it really does but it’s your responsibility to unstick yourself.

And the longer you avoid giving yourself a break because you ‘should’ be doing stuff, the longer it’ll take to get back on track.

Was this helpful? Leave me a comment below and don’t forget to grab your free BIG Vision workbook.